Spend your weekend at the Holy city of Makkah that captures the hearts of millions of Muslims from all around the world, and indulge in a 5-star experience with Al Marwa Rayhaan By Rotana special weekend offer.
Al Marwa Rayhaan by Rotana is located in Abraj Al Bait development adjacent to the Holy Mosque of Masjid Al Haram and adjoining a commercial complex which includes a large shopping mall.
The Weekend package includes: - One night stay in a room of your choice - Complimentary lunch buffet at Al Deyafa restaurant - Daily Breakfast at Al Dayafa restaurant - Complimentary internet access
To book your Weekend Escape, click on the ''Book Your Escape Now'' button and choose Thursday or Friday as the check-in day.
Package is available during weekends only (Thursday & Friday) and subject to availability. Rates are subject to 5% VAT and 5% Municipality fees.Not valid in conjunction with any offer or promotion. Not valid during blackout dates. Package is valid until 31st of December 2018. Offer valid for two adults and two children. Rotana Rewards members will earn Points when booking the Rotana Escapes packages.
Información del hotel
Fecha & Hora actual Sunday, 23 Feb 2025 05:32 (GMT +3 hours)
Condiciones Climatológicas Actuales Domingo, 23 Feb 2025 @ 05:00 AST 14°C (57°F) Humedad: 67% Viento: Sur Oeste 2.49
Información de Moneda Domingo, 23 Febrero 2025 @ 05:00 AST SAR ~ Saudi Riyal 1 USD=SAR 3.75 | 1 EUR=SAR 3.92 *Los precios antes mencionados son interbancarios. Las transacciones en efectivo y con tarjetas de crédito pueden ser sujetas a recargos locales.
Reviewed by Nkhan a TripAdvisor traveler.
16th March 2020
Reviewed by Aizaznov a TripAdvisor traveler.
11th March 2020
“18 wonderful Nights at Al Marwa Rayhaan by Rotana-Makka”
Reviewed by Hbenghalbon a TripAdvisor traveler.
28th February 2020
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